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Announcement Details

First page of the PDF file: 114469RiverCityMiddleSchoolFALL1459398Run1FallPoster
Shawn Weisser

Student picture day is this Friday, September 13th. Students will have pictures taken while in their math classes. Please use the link in this post to make the transition smoother.


A photographer from Strawbridge Studios will be at your school on 9/13/2024 to photograph your Fall pictures.

Please post the attached digital poster on your website and share with your parents/guardians to help advertise your picture day. Also included below is a link to post on your website and share with your parents/guardians. This link will allow parents to sign up to receive updates via email regarding their child's school portraits. These updates include promotions, additional deals and the ability to order more pictures at a later time. When entering student information, parents should be sure to enter the student's name as it is on file at the school.

Thank you for your assistance in helping us deliver a smooth school picture experience! We look forward to seeing you soon.

Thank you,
Strawbridge Studios, Inc.


First page of the PDF file: 114469RiverCityMiddleSchoolFALL1459398Run1


  • Picture day
First page of the PDF file: RCMSSOLGrowthParentsTemplateLtr-SP-FALL
Shawn Weisser

Richmond Public Schools will administer the fall Growth Assessments to grades 6-8 students from September 9th - September 20th. Please read the following document to determine the test dates and how your scholar can prepare for the assessments. Your scholar must be present at school that day. Please plan appointments around the testing schedule. All scholars need to bring a charged Chromebook on the days of assessments.



Next Up
Shawn Weisser

Good Afternoon River City Family! Sign-Ups are still happening for the after-school program. Use this QR code to sign your student up for the program. 

Students will be able to select classes beginning next week. The program begins September 16th. Please note we offer over 30 different classes and students are not limited to the classes on the flier. 

Next up


First page of the PDF file: Version1WellnessVaccinationclinics2
Shawn Weisser

Vaccinations are required before your child begins school in Richmond.

First page of the PDF file: Version1WellnessVaccinationclinics2